Large Quotes
Zimbabwe Cricket has really had it now. The players relented from a similar position to give ZC a further three weeks until the end of the month to pay the large sums of money owed them. But they are now simply walking away.
- Clive Field
You've had obviously a rise in gasoline prices, which is the visible price in the economy... There's (also) a tendency of the public to look at the unemployment rate that actually rose in March, while Wall Street looks at payrolls (which showed a large jump in the number of people working.)
- Ethan Harris
You've got to develop your players and make good decisions. Youth and speed are, to a large degree, the answer. In the long run, (the system) is going to create some parity. It's going to be like the NFL in the sense that management has got to do a great job if you're going to be up there every year.
- Scott Mellanby
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