Mechanisms Quotes
You've got the general problem of poverty and lack of government capacity. In Africa, everyone is encouraged to privatize, but there is a very important role of the state, strengthening oversight and regulatory mechanisms as you open up the economy. We've gone far in one way, but not the other.
- Princeton Lyman
You are the watcher; the mind is the watched. It is a beautiful mechanism, one of the most beautiful mechanisms that nature has given to you. So you can use it when needed for factual memory -- for phone numbers, for addresses, for names, for faces....It is a good tool, but that's all it is. It need not sit upon you continuously twenty-four hours a day. Even while you are sleeping, it is sitting on your chest torturing you, giving you nightmares. All kinds of relevant and irrelevant thoughts go on and on.
- Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
What we were able to do is compare the binding site of both the viral RNA and the cells' cap binding protein on a factor that is common to both mechanisms in eIF3. The binding cap is one of the complexes required by the cell, but not required by the virus. For translations, this cup binding protein has to interact with the eIF3.
- Eva Nogales
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