Negative Quotes
You've got to try to stay positive now and believe that things are going to turn around. The negative is that we're (14-11) and 1-5 in the league. But it's only two weekends.
- Mike Bianco
You've got obligations, not quite on the same level as the CFO going to jail if they run afoul of Sarbanes-Oxley. But if you are not complying with some of the data privacy regulations these days, the company is potentially going to get fined. It's going be ... very negative for PR and company branding.
- John Radcliffe
You've got a lot of factors here all coming into play... Oil is having a negative impact and the pre-announcement news from Viacom was significant. You also had all the banks reporting strong earnings yesterday, but yet they're selling them off two days in a row, and we're near the end of the quarter and you've got portfolio managers wanting to cash out of the rally's recent leaders.
- Tim Heekin
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