Nuance Quotes
You've got black guys and white guys and slaves and freed men and an Indian sitting around on the job drinking rum together. It doesn't mean that all day it was peace and love and harmony on the job site, but it's not what we picture when we say people were enslaved to work on University Hall. So there are nuances to this. History is messy.
- Robert Emlen
You have to really straddle the fence. Definitely, you don't want to be a caricature. I hope to never play a caricature and that's the challenge - what are the subtleties and nuances in the character himself and how do you bring those out and make him more realistic? But then also, you can't make him too sympathetic, because at the end of the day, you have to be able to dismiss that kind of character because they're wrong in every way, shape and form.
- Blair Underwood
You don't have to think as hard about the character because you've already established the little details that are needed. This is something we did with Luc before ... and that's part of the fun, to create the character and the little nuances that make him different than the usual guy. We didn't have to go through any of that this time.
- Jason Statham
You are learning many social cues and nuances that you didn't pick up on when you were younger, such as irony and sarcasm, and these can work for and against you. At this point in your life, you may misinterpret a comment that was made as a compliment because you mistook it as sarcasm. What your friends say has a huge impact. You are constantly wondering, 'What did he mean by that?' or 'How do I look?' These feelings are common to everyone but are critical to teenagers because they are torn two ways. It is equally important for you to be an individual and to fit in.
- Julie Ross
While I think there is more work to be done on Will's statement that 'It is bad to kill a fetus,' he does a service by putting it out there so boldly. There are many problems with the word 'bad' and how it is heard. A more nuanced way of saying this is that the act of abortion is not a moral good. Things that are not moral goods are not necessarily immoral or bad. And they may, as is the case with abortion, be often justifiable and almost always have positive outcomes.
- Frances Kissling
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