Refused Quotes
You've got one side of Questar that can sell at these inflated market prices outside the company and another side that is buying at these inflated prices outside the company... For about 25 years, Questar refused to drill for new gas supplies on behalf of Questar Gas Co.'s customers. If they had done so, instead of having to buy on the open market half of all the gas we use, they would have all the company-owned gas that they need to supply their customers at cost of production.
- Roger Ball
Yahoo has been advised on more than one occasion that this conduct is taking place on its Web site, and we have asked them to implement effective controls to prevent the posting of illegal goods. Yet, although they have the responsibility and the capability, they have refused to do this. Regretfully, therefore, we feel that legal action is now our only remaining recourse.
- Perrin Kaplan
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