Sitting Quotes
You've got to put me on a different scale than the little black preacher sitting over there that's supposed to be just getting by because the people are suffering.
- Eddie Long
You've got black guys and white guys and slaves and freed men and an Indian sitting around on the job drinking rum together. It doesn't mean that all day it was peace and love and harmony on the job site, but it's not what we picture when we say people were enslaved to work on University Hall. So there are nuances to this. History is messy.
- Robert Emlen
You're sort of shaped by your environment in a way. I don't know if it affects every songwriter in the same way, but there must be something to it. If you're living in a busy city environment, you're going to write differently than if you're sitting in a Thoreau cabin by a lake somewhere.
- Jay Farrar
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