James Turner Quotes
Mail | Order | Bride | Basically | Wanted |
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There are some [phishing Web sites] that are going to be there for two weeks and others that will be there for a few hours. Signature-based antivirus is totally at the mercy of when [the virus] is identified to when it is inoculated against -- that is a huge issue. With the constant threat of zero day attacks, signatures can't carry us forward.
- James Turner
It is in the interests of Yahoo and AOL that their users receive and read the premium spam, as this justifies their charge to the spammers. It would be more interesting if users could set their own fee for receiving unsolicited mail... users could set their own white lists and then nominate a fee per e-mail from people not on the list. The senders would then have the option of sending to people who set a fee.
- James Turner